Friday, November 7, 2008

Blogging Optimistically

Holy Smokes! What a country and what a life! I am Joe Hardie and I have created this blog to bring a few smiles to my family and put some of my thoughts out there for the world to read. My site's title could someday be the title of an economic book I'd like to write. I've got the optimism down- now I'm just some economic training away from a best seller! One of my life mottos is "The glass is half matter what it is full of." I really believe that. I hope that as you read my blog I can brighten your day.

This last Thursday I had knee surgery. It was the second time I've had knee surgery and I am already walking around and riding the bike to break me back in. My brother Carl will tell you that I hurt my knee doing something girly like planting flowers. Don't be fooled. I assure you that I was plaing an intense, manly game of football and after my 10th sack of the game my knee couldn't take the turf. (true story...kind of) Anyway, I am so grateful for the modern medicine that allows me to continue to go to school, work, and enjoy life.

I also bought a new phone last week. My old phone usually died by about 3:00p.m. every day if I left in on. I've been doing some phone interviews and I could only turn my phone on about 5 minutes before the interview and it would die immediately after. Could you imagine my phone cutting out on the final interview?..."Mr. Hardie we're very impressed with you and would like to offer you the internship of a life-time, $5000 signing bonus with $25 an hour pay....Mr. Hardie? Are you there?" I decided that it was it was a good investment to get a new phone. Plus maybe I'll make some friends now that my phone is hott hott!

That's all for now. Welcome to the blog. If you're interested you can see what my family is up to at You can see my wife's photography at

The coolest Hardie- peace out.

1 comment:

Carl Hardie said...

I heard that your knee was so weak, it couldn't handle the grass. Forget "Chicken-Neck" I will now call you "Weenie-Leg."